Friday, March 13, 2009

Civilization and Its Discontents - Sigmund Freud (4 of 5 Unhappy Germans)

Well...yet again, another one of my professors wants to discuss Freud.  This is now the second time that I've had to read this particular essay in college.  Yes, it's an interesting way of analyzing our current society.  Yes, it is has a couple insights here and there.  But as many of you know, it takes a whole lot to make Freud blush...

One of the core doctrines of Discontents is the Pleasure Principle.  Freud believes that at any moment a person is attempting to actively achieve happiness or avoid pain.  At the same time, he or she is dealing with instinctual urges from the unconscious.  The two primary instincts are Eros (love) and Agression.  In order to gain the protection of the society as a whole, man must repress his instincts.  This often leads to feelings of discontent.  Most people are able to effectively sublimate the urges into more socially acceptable forms of expression such as exercise or art.  Those that can't, well...they end up in prison.

Thoughts on Freud?


Anonymous said...

Thoughts eh? He was a sick man.

PJ said...

Wow, I need to read this ... or maybe I will just get the cliffs notes ... anyway Freud was great in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, almost as cool as Genghis Khan "What is a geek?"