Friday, March 13, 2009

Space Station Seventh Grade by Jerry Spinelli

I love Jerry Spinelli's books. I think he is one of the best young adult authors writing today--and I read a lot of young adult novels. His greatest skill is in the voice of his narrators. All of them are teens, but Spinelli writes like he is a teenager. And I love it.

Space Station Seventh Grade is the tale of seventh-grader, Jason Herkemer's first year of middle school. Through gym class, suspension, and the inevitable first crush, Jason fills us in on the woes of 7th grade. To a middle school student, this book might be nothing to rave about. To a teacher of middle school students, this book is hilarious. I laughed out loud on more than one occasion.

Word of caution, Spinelli sticks strictly to his 7th grade "voice" and there is some profanity and discussion of some other matters that could be awkward to some readers...

Overall, a classic Spinelli--though definitely not his very best. Still, I am looking forward to the sequel: Jason and Marceline. Review to come later.

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