Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Problem of Pain – C.S. Lewis

I’ve have been debating what book to discuss first. The book that I just finished was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but I will write about this book in the future. I wanted to start this conversation with something a bit more…well, you fill in the blank. Of course, if you want to argue that Harry does in fact deserve a place on the AP English booklist, I wholeheartedly welcome your rebuttal.

I will begin with a short commentary on The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis, which I started this past weekend. I’ve been listening to books in my car for as long as I’ve been able to drive. I have read/listened to many books in this way. While zoning out to the radio after a long day at work can be gratifying, it can also be quite a waste of valuable time. There is a wealth of knowledge out there to discover. An hour in the car each day over the course of a lifetime can really add up.

The only problem with seeking this knowledge at the library is that soon after you start one of these books, the library will inevitably send you an obnoxious notice that it’s time to return it. This is what just happened. I got through about a fourth of the book and then discovered that it was due today. Consequently, I’ll share a couple of insights from the opening chapters now and then continue the discussion once I’ve finished it in a few weeks when the library returns it to me. Maybe that will give me some time to write about Harry…

The book is appropriately titled. The “problem of pain” is a philosophical debate that has been around for many years. It goes as follows. God desires that his children be perfectly happy. However, all his children are not happy, which implies that God is not entirely benevolent, not omnipotent or both. Staunch atheists will use this logic to argue against the common beliefs regarding the nature of God. The purpose of this book is to show that this argument is a bit more complex than atheists make it out to be. C.S. Lewis argues that pain is not necessarily a bad thing. Pain is merely a byproduct of God’s love for us. Pain is produced as he seeks to teach us, to purify us, and make us into beings more like him.

LDS readers will quickly recognize that the words of C.S. Lewis are very similar to the words of ancient and modern prophets. 2 Nephi 2 discusses the plan of salvation at length. This chapter describes both opposition and agency, which are key components of The Problem of Pain. In Alma 14, Alma and Amulek watch as many righteous men, women and children are burned by nonbelievers. Amulek wonders why God doesn’t reach down and stop this injustice. Alma’s answer is that God refuses to take away the agency of the nonbelievers. Even though he promises glory to those burned and punishment at some future date for the offenders, at that moment he allows them to retain their ability to choose. By observing the consequences of our actions, we are hopefully led to make better choices in the future. Over time, we are able to shake off the carnal man and become more like our Father in Heaven.

It is not surprising that the general authorities of the church often quote C.S. Lewis. I believe that this occurs regularly for two reasons. First, the arguments of C.S. Lewis are well constructed and thought provoking. Second, his arguments often coincide with what the LDS community wants to hear. There have been many intelligent philosophers and theologians over the years who have presented arguments just as stunning as those of C.S. Lewis, but not all of them were in favor of God’s existence or supported LDS doctrine. This is why David Hume doesn’t come up all that often in General Conference…

I enjoy reading the works of C.S. Lewis for many reasons. I enjoy his wry sense of humor. He speaks about how men and women have the ability to use a beam however, they choose. “They can use a beam to build things, or they can use it whack their neighbor on the head.” He is often brutally honest.

I enjoy his provocative analogies. He describes life as a game of chess in which rules determine the movement of the pieces. If a player were able to take back a move whenever it became apparent that it had been a mistake or if he was allowed to remove an opponent’s piece whenever it became inconvenient, the game would become meaningless. For this same reason, the number of miracles performed by God, or in other words, the ways in which he deliberately and directly manipulates the laws of the physical world, are limited. “If God were to continuously take away pain and free will, he would in fact take away life itself.” Too many of us do not want a Father in Heaven that is concerned about disciplining us and making us better people. We instead want a Grandfather in Heaven who wants nothing more than to see his children living a life of contentment.

I enjoy the works of C.S. Lewis because they confirm my own beliefs. I am comforted by the fact that an intelligent and thoughtful man was able to come to the same conclusions as a fourteen-year-old boy who was tutored by God. I am not saying that God didn’t guide the thoughts of C.S. Lewis. I believe that he did. I’m just saying that God much more to Joseph Smith directly, while C.S. Lewis was able to cultivate on his own the spark that God had placed in his mind and heart. It shows me that God has enlightened men and women in many faiths outside of our own. It shows that he loves all of his children, no matter what religion they profess. He loves us infinitely. He spends every moment of his existence working to guide us back to his presence.

What has impressed you about the works of C.S. Lewis? What other books by him have you enjoyed? Are there books that you have not enjoyed? What other books by Christian philosophers have you found interesting?


Carmen said...

C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors. I think, like you, I am impressed by his well thought out arguments. I have recently read "Mere Christianity" and I was amazed at how close he could come to the truth by the powers of his own reasoning (I am in no way discounting the possibility of inspiration).
I have not read "The Problem of Pain", but my relevant comment is this: if we never experienced pain, joy and happiness would have no meaning. For example, if you have a loved one who you have suffered for because of their wandering, how much more poignant is the happiness that comes with improvement in their life? How thankful (a word I think inter-relates with happiness) you are for the basics of life after a time when they are been threatened? What you had thought was joy previously pales in comparison.

Vivid Squid said...

Your entry is insightful and engaging. I agree that too many people waste their drive time zoning out to top-40 when they could be expanding their minds with great plots and thoughts.

Jake Lindsay said...

Before my mission I had the opportunity of reading Mere Christianity. Like you, I was thoroughly mystified by the genius of C.S. Lewis. It was definitely the most profound book that I have read by him.

I am reminded of the cottage example that he uses in Mere Christianity. He describes how each of us have the intention of creating for ourselves a comfortable cottage in which we can reside and worship God. God however has bigger plans for us. Before we know it he is knocking down walls and building towers, all of which causes us pain. He recognizes the divine potential that each of us has as his children.

I love the no nonsense attitude that C.S. Lewis has toward God. He acknowledges that "God is love" but acknowledges that he is much more than that. He is a caring father who wants to instruct us rather than a grandfather who wants to spare us any discomfort.

This is one of the most common misconceptions about the nature of God that I noticed while serving a missionary in Argentina. It was always a major roadblock on the path to conversion.

Carmen said...

Just stumbled onto another one. I am currently reading the re-released book "The Broken Heart" by Bruce C. Hafen. In it he says the following, "Without the taste of bitter in our experience, the taste of sweet is lost on us--we are without context, without a frame of reference, and even the sweet things of life may be without meaning or purpose for us."

mookatron said...

Hey! What's wrong with listening to music on the radio? C'mon!!!

PJ said...
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PJ said...

I find Lewis terribly dry, on my first excursion through The Chronicles of Narnia I was six or seven years old and I remember enjoying the books (most of them, I recall being bored throughout The Horse and His Boy)but on more recent review I discovered to my dismay that these books are about as exciting as watching the WNBA finals. The Screwtape letters were wholly uninteresting, Mere Christianity was aggravating as Lewis' idea of the nature of God is incomprehensible. As I have has successive unenlightening forays into his work I have no interest in further investigation of it. I would suggest the alternative "Christian" books: Pilgrims Progress, by Bunyan and The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.