Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Merchant of Venice – William Shakespeare (5 of 5 Caskets of Lead)

Yes...I recognize that it’s summer and that Shakespeare is probably one of those authors that one should avoid during his summer vacation, but I couldn’t help myself. I was wandering around the library when I noticed it sitting casually on a shelf. I pulled it down, curious about its contents. I’ve read Hamlet three or four times in addition to a few other of Shakespeare’s plays, but many of them I’ve only heard about in my English classes. As I walked to the checkout line, I thought, “Well, if it’s a miserable read, at least I’ll be prepared the next time one of my professors brings it up in class.”

I’m not really sure what I was worried about now that I look back. Shakespeare didn’t achieve his reputation as one of the greatest writers in the English language for nothing. He really is a fantastic author. I was immediately drawn into the romance of Portia and the young Bassanio as well as the plight of Antonio at the mercy of the Jewish lender Shylock. The depth of the language was incredible, the suspense impressive, and the resolution beautiful.

I believe this was the first play that I’ve read by Shakespeare without being required to do so by a teacher or professor. It was a much more pleasant experience this time around. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always enjoyed Shakespeare’s works when we’ve read them in class, but I feel that some of the natural pleasure is lost when one is required to dig, analyze, and twist the words of this brilliant author. Reading Shakespeare just for the sake of reading Shakespeare was one of the highlights of my summer read-a-thon.

I would highly recommend strolling over to the books on CD section of the library. Arkangel Productions has taken on the task of creating audio productions of every one of Shakespeare’s plays. You’ll probably find several of them on the shelf. They all employ a full cast of professional actors. They do a great job of bringing the play to life.

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