Monday, October 20, 2008

The Wealthy Barber - David Chilton (3.5 of 5 Crew Cuts)

I finished The Wealthy Barber this past week. It is a continuation of the personal finance kick that I've been on for the past six months or so. It combines many practical tips for growing wealthy slowly over the course of a lifetime with personal narrative. The main character of the novel recognizes that his finances are somewhat unstable, and decides to go to his father for advice. His father forwards him on to the town barber. For the next six months he and a couple of friends go to the barber for a haircut and a personal finance lesson.

The humor of the narrative gives the book an endearing quality. But, I admit the slapstick humor got a little old by the end. The wise cracking old men at the back of the shop wore on me. I don't believe I learned anything new. The core principle is "Pay yourself first" 10% of every pay check. This will ensure that regardless of what you do with the rest of your money, you should enjoy a comfy retirement. You'll also find tips for investing, buying vs. renting, and general frugality. There is also a heavy emphasis on minimizing your taxes.

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