Thursday, July 17, 2008

Not a Review...

I figured this Blog is all about books, right? And the goal is to share with one another ideas for your next reading selection. I always enjoy hearing what other people think about books, and I found this post on another site and felt it might be of interest to the others on this Blog. Anyway check it out and enjoy "The Books that Changed Your Lives." Pretty cool.


Jake Lindsay said...

Hey! Thanks for your post. I found this list rather informative and amusing. I've seen Ayn Rand's books on several important lists, but I've never heard any in depth discussions of them. I put The Fountainhead on hold at the library. It was a whopping 27 CDs...ouch. Atlas Shrugged was somewhere around 45 CDs. That might take some time... :) My question is, "Is it worth the time?"

Good to see the Bible up there, but where's the Book of Mormon?

And then Hitchhiker's Guide? Are they serious? I read all five of them back in high school. They were an entertaining read, but I'm not sure that they changed my life in any serious way, besides increasing my tendency to say "42" whenever someone asks for a number between 1 and a 100.

Stranger was good. I've always loved Orwell's books. Ender was spectacular. Dune was long...

I'm curious about The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion. Does this have anything to do with the studies that they did some years ago about the chemical reactions in the brain of an atheist vs. theist?

Hmm...looks like I've got some more reading to do.

PJ said...

This is awesome, not particularly because of the books that changed peoples lives list, but is sweet! I think I have a new favorite website.

Anyway, I detest Albert Camus. I had to read the Stranger in high school for a literature class and it was a bad experience (not as bad as reading anything by Steinbeck however).